Jaiden will be remembered as a kind and loving third grade student at Heron Pond Elementary School; always ready and willing to help others. According to a boy in her class, “She was funny, nice, creative, didn’t tease people, and best of all, she was a happy student.”
Jaiden wanted to be a Mother and a Veterinarian when she grew up. She also planned to adopt children as she believed there were too many unloved children in the world. Jaiden was very active in the MCAA; she played softball, soccer and basketball. She loved to have play-dates with friends, visit with her extended family, and make cards for people. Jaiden loved to swim and do gymnastics, she also loved the ocean, dolphins, the color blue, and to simply be with her family.
Jaiden was one of four children; in addition to her parents, she leaves behind a 14-year old sister Alexeigh, a 5-year old sister Aspen, and a 2-year old brother Gage. Survivors include Grammy Mev and Grampa Gary Ciardelli of Wilton, NH; Aunt Pam Ciardelli and Uncle Bohdan Zaryckyj of Milford; Aunt Jody and Uncle Todd Ciardelli of Milford; Aunt Sharon Davis of Hillsboro; Grammy Dee and Grampa Dick Tlapa of Medfield, MA; Aunt Laura and Uncle John Bishop of Atlanta, GA; and Uncle Guy and Aunt Laura Tlapa of Boston, MA. Jaiden also leaves behind cherished Godparents, Wendy and Frank Bauerschmidt of Milford, NH, God-sister Amri, and eight beloved cousins: Geena, Alli, Autumn, Troy, Adam, Kelsey, Rachel and Jack.
Jaiden was the proud care-giver of her newly adopted Border Terrier dog Dori, whom she loved dearly. Jaiden had a beautiful spirit filled to the brim with life. She was a star far too bright for this universe; one that burned vividly and touched many lives in a deeply profound way. She will live on forever in the hearts and memories of all those who loved her and many who never even knew her.
The Jaiden Lyndi Tlapa fund was originally established to help offset medical and other expenses for her family. Jaiden’s Mother, Holleigh Tlapa, is planning to run the foundation in Jaiden’s name to carry on her legacy of love. Definitive plans have not been finalized, but the foundation will serve to help other families in similar situations.
A former bus driver of Jaiden’s created a blog for her while she was in the hospital, which can be accessed at http://www.jaident.blogspot.com/. The blog was a source of inspiration, prayers and love for Jaiden’s entire family during her stay at Children’s Hospital. The Tlapa family is forever grateful for the support and prayers offered by their families, friends, neighbors, churches, first responders, community; and strangers from across the globe.
A private service to celebrate Jaiden’s life was held at the United Methodist Church in Milford, NH on January 22, 2008, led by Pastor Tom Getchell-Lacey. A public service to commemorate her life will be held in Milford at a future date, which will be announced on the blog.
Jaiden Lyndi Tlapa is now an angel soaring above the earth, her spirit as beautiful as ever. She is gone from this world, but she will never be forgotten.
To the Tlapa Family and friends of Jaiden, I was one of many whom prayed for Jaiden every single day even while i was away on vacation. I visited two missions while there and lit candles for Jaiden as well. Til this very day i have been keeping you all in my prayers that the Lord will all give you the strength and peace to go forth and i will carry this thru for a long time to come because I do feel i know Jaiden and you all very well even though you do not know me. I look forward very much to attending the public service you will have for Jaiden. In christ and always keeping you close to my heart with prayer. Anita Mazzuchelli
Holleigh and Paul,
What a beautiful tribute to an amazing life that you were blessed with for those 8 years. I hope that you are able to find peace in the lifetime of joy that Jaiden gave you and the memories you will surely cherish forever. Heaven is a richer place now.
Jen D'Auteuil
Jaiden is so special to so many people. She is a true inspiration to lead life with love, kindness and appreciation for our families and loved ones.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us and reminding us of what is truly important in life.
Dear Tlapa family,
How inspired we all were in the short time that Jaiden came to our attention. My son was the one who lead me to the blog origionally as he was sent the link from his friends through face book. He and Lexi are school friends. It tells you of the true impact of Jaidens life. Her family, friends and the friends of her family members were all wanting to help in the small ways that they could. One way we could help was to send prayers and messages of hope and then sadness. You are right that Jaidens legacy will live on. With the love and commitment of all of you and the group of friends that knew you personally and those of us that were touched because we knew someone who knew you, or passed the information on to someone we knew to pray for your family and from this the blog grew to states around the USA, then beyond the US to other countries. How awesome a legacy to leave for such a young girl. I think of her as our own little Mother Teresa.
May Jaidens Foundation carry the legacy that she would have done.
From one family to another. we contiue to pray for you. And will be there to help lift you up when you are down and share the happy memories when you want to share them.
May you know that your community cares very much for your family.
Thank you for sharing your hope, and sadness with us. May it remind us to hug our loved ones a little more.tell them that we love them a little more.
Dearest Paul and Holleigh:
I lost my father the same day you lost your beloved Jaiden. Our hearts continue to ache for you and your family. As I type this, Beautiful Baby From The Outside In is playing on the radio. It must be a great comfort to know that your daughter was indeed beautiful from the outside in. As I watched this blog grow, it was apparent how many lives she was able to touch. The memorial service is sure to be attended by many of the hundreds who were affected by her story. We continue to pray for strength for your family and for God's grace to assist in your own healing.
The Roy Family
Holleigh, Paul, Lexi, Aspen & Gage,
As I sit here reading this blog I cry, I smile, & most of all I am so thankful that I had the pleasure of knowing Jaiden, Jaiden is such a beautiful, wonderful, inspiring little girl to name a few & I know she must have gotten that from you Holleigh & Paul. Two strong & wonderful parents how proud Jaiden must be of you guys. I also wanted to tell you guys my thoughts are always with you & I hope time can heal some of your pain & with the continue arms wrapped around you from the great lord above may he continue to comfort you. Iwill attend the public service you will be having for Jaiden I'm sure it will be beautiful just like Jaiden.
God bless you & your family & you will continue to be in my heart
To Jaiden and her family,
There is such inexplicable sadness in all of this. In the midst, in the silent pause between breaths, there is yet good to be found. Your faith and love for Jaiden have multiplied in ways that have changed lives and I am no exception.
I think that I have been mad at God at some level for a long time, choosing daily to ignore Him. When I saw the signs around Milford, I asked, "Who is Jaiden and what happened?" I prayed as soon as I saw the signs, without knowing, without needing to know anything else but someone needed prayer. As I read the story in the papers, my heart was turned back to God, for who cannot pray for child? Your faith is infectious, full of glory and power, and you have moved mountains--mountains rock solid in my heart.
I am very sick, and my life had lost meaning to me. I prayed for Jaiden all the time, and also my little boy did as well. In this place of sorrow, he started asking questions about God, about life and death, and it was evident to both of us how much he needed and wanted God in his life. We are now looking for a church. It was evident to me also how much I had lost as well.
One prayer leads to another, and another. As I read the entries on your site every day, I too began to pray for those who were praying. One parent listed a Caringbridge site, and I went there to pray for the child mentioned. I now pray daily and without ceasing, for many children who are sick. I am beginning to understand that in my illness, that I am being called to stand in the gap and pray for those who cannot pray for themselves. I am understanding that I am called to be a warrior for Christ. I pray for so many people now, including a unit in Iraq that I never knew existed until I read this blog. They are always on my heart, and I know that God has his angels over them and His saints called to fight the battle with them in prayer for their safety. Thank you for this.
"And a little child shall lead them..."
Your faith, Jaiden's sweetness, and God's merciful love have given me back meaning for my time here. My son will know God. How many lives will be changed by the power of prayer? You have changed so many lives with your love for God and Jaiden, and with your faith and hope in God, even through your pain.
We are human, we search for meaning in all that happens to us. I am beginning to just ask God to teach me the lessons that I need to learn, rather than reject Him for what I perceive as wrong in my life and blame him. I am finding new strength within my own adversity. I am understanding that God holds our days, our lives, and that only He is in control, and if He is in control, then nothing that happens to us is ever out of His knowledge.
I am finding peace in the midst of the storm.
There is power in loving God and your family has born witness to that fact.
I pray for your family every day. My heart breaks for you with tears and mourning before God, and I ask Him to ease your sorrows in whatever way He knows you need. I just want you to know the lessons that sweet Jaiden has taught me, and how your faith has infiltrated my own life with God's love and hope.
With love,
Humbled in Milford
It was an pleasure to know Jaiden.
Im sure it would please her to know that the "Jaiden Fund" will go on to help others in need. What a beautiful way to remember and honor such a beautiful girl.
Holleigh, Paul, Lexi, Aspen, & Gage
May the prayers from around the world bring comfort to you. The power of prayer has been huge, touching people far and wide. I pray that these prayers will continue. Reading through these posts, seeing how it has changed so many lives brings me to my knees more often. Praise be to God. I look forward to attending Jaiden's memorial service. I have shed many tears for your darling angel and I am sure I will shed many more. They will be happy tears and sad tears but they will carry me through to each tomorrow as I give praise to our Lord Jesus Christ who gave up his son to free us from our sins.
I do hope that we all will continue to share as we have in these past weeks. I lost a dear friend and also my mother shortly before Jaidens accident. I cherish the memories of them and somehow know that the memories that you have shared with me about Jaiden will help me to more on with a light heart. I certainly believe together they are feeling the warmth from God's love as they look down upon us.
God Bless you all,
What beautiful words to commemorate such a beautiful child. The Jaiden Lyndi Tlapa Foundation will be as wonderful as Jaiden was. She brought a community together, and showed us how precious our time together really is. What you are all still going through is unimaginable, there are no words that could ease such grief. Please know that the Milford communtity is here, when you are ready to pay tribute to Jaiden in a public way, we will all celebrate together and prayer for understanding. With prayers in our hearts always for you and your family... Kevin, Sally, Caitlen, Anna and Morgan
I think of you every day. My wish for you is peace,love, and strengh. And though I know that someday you will meet your sweet Jaiden again, until then may you feel her embrace in every breeze, and see her beautiful spirit in every lovely thing that your eyes rest upon. She is always with you, carried in your hearts, in the hearts of anyone who has ever met her.
Holleigh and Paul,
Hang on! God loves you and has you in the palm of His hands. He is there now more than ever, Hold on to His love. You will make it through this. He is loving your other children as well and of course Jaiden is with Him sending her love in every breeze.
My prayers continue for you and your family.
I widh you all the best in your yrs to come. What a truely inspriation your little angel was and she will carry it on. I have followed this blog since the day i read your sad news in the paper. I was so sad when at 6 am on the news i heard of her passing. I prayed everyday for her and your family to beable to heal. I just want you all to know i have no clue who you are but this little girl has touched my life in such a way i hope someday i can do the same. God Bless you all.
Holleigh and Paul,
I was thinking of you all tonight as i was headed home from work. When on the radio I heard Eric Claptons song "Tears in Heaven" as this was his tribute to his young son that they had lost in a tragic accident many years ago. the words to that song and the heart ache that he was feeling were expressed so beautifully. Just as you lost Jaiden to a tragic accident these words bring love, longing, sadness and happy thoughts. We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
I will always keep my jaiden bear to remember her. i feel that parts of her spirt is still here with us. i hope everyone will remember Jaiden. i know it will take a while to get used to her being gone. i hope you can get through this.
Thinking of you and your family today.
May you have more smiles then tears.
Holleigh and Paul,
Just wanted you to know that we are thinking about you a lot. I look at Jaiden's pictures every day. I drive home from work and see her name on the signs and the ribbons on the trees. Your family, your friends, your town are here for you and thinking of Jaiden all the time.
With love,
Terry Negrete
~Wishing you a peaceful night~
Dear Holleigh and Paul
Not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts and prayers...
Tlapa Family,
I think about Jaiden and your family every day. It kills me to think about how much pain you have gone through. But i know that Jaiden is somewhere safe and away from all evil. She was such an amazing little girl. I wont ever forget her tight hugs when she wrapped around you and wouldnt let go. I think when I am older I want to apopt a child for her one that wants to be loved. She has impacted my life so much, and has made apperciate the people around me that I love. I love you all so much and your baby girl will always be carried on and in our hearts.
Love Brittany Griggs
Thinking of you all today as always and remembering Jaiden with tears and smiles ...
I'm so sorry to hear about jaiden.
I'm sure she is looking down smiling, truley thankful for all you have done.
Let Jaiden be remebered forever!
jaiden really sounds like a true inspiration. let her inspire those she left behind, those she knew and those she didn't.
Holleigh and Paul,
Thinking of you, praying for you, and wondering how you are holding up. Remember, she is thinking of you and sending God's love and hers every day in the breeze!
I am so sorry for your loss, jaiden was truley blessed to have a family that loved her so much. She was loved by so many people, she was like a superstar.
Although it may not seem like it now, Jaiden's story had a happy ending. She had so much love and supposrt from all that loved her, and now she is remebered. Her story won't ever end, because Jaiden is always alive in your hearts.
God bless.
Everyday it seems I tell Jaiden's story to someone new ... whether from just down the road in Nashua or across the country I know each time I speak of Jaiden Lyndi Tlapa I ensure that she will never be forgotten. Know that with so many people to tell her story she will NEVER be forgotten.
Forget Jaiden? Never will this happen. She is looking over all of us and will forever. This sad story of losing Jaiden has brought "Good News" to many around the world. Many that hardly ever prayed find themselves praying. How wonderfull.
I today asked someone to pray for you all and told Jaiden's story to them. I might skip a day of twobut I routinely check the site here.
Please find peace and believe how your loss of Jaiden has brought much to the world and she will never be forgotten.
Fondly I promise this.
To the Tlapa family
I think about your beautiful angel everyday.
jaiden was such a beautiful girl. she knew how too make so many people smile. whenever someone talked about ehr there face would light up. i only talaked to jaden once and she seemed wonderful. i hope all s well this christmas. this christmas may be ahrd but just know that jaiden is right there opening presents and laughing with you on christmas. she is here with us everyday, no matter what. i am so sorry. i want you too know that i still here people talking about her. i wear the shirt her ribbon and a jaiden bracelet all the time. she will ost deffinatly never be forgotten. i just hope that you are well. i still pray that she will come back too us in another life. a great one.
merry early christmas!
many prayers and wishes.
emma pearce.
I think of you jaiden everyday
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