What an amazing feeling it was to drive by Humble Pie and see this sign up supporting Jaiden.

I've just been told there are a few others around town so I'll be out on the hunt this afternoon to find them. I'll post them here once I have them.
Ribbons and Prayers for Jaiden Tlapa
We were very fortunate to see Paul, Holleigh and Jaiden Christmas night and she is truly beautiful. Her color was vibrant and we just felt as though she would wake any second. Our prayers and love always coming your way. Love Al & Jean
My thoughts are with you and the power of prayer is huge. The amount of love that is going out into the Heavens and coming back for your family is amazing. God Bless and may Jaiden be a Miracle for all!
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Jaiden is such a sweet little girl, and it is obivious from the outpouring of love and support just here that she and her family are loved by many. May God give you all the strength for the days and weeks ahead.
I was in the ICU at Childrens Hospital and was talking to Jaidens Grandparents in the waiting room while I was visiting my granddaughter. I can assure everyone that she is recieving world-class care. My heart and prayers go out to Jaiden and her loving family. It is such a helpless feeling to not be able to just grab her up, hug her and make her better. God bless them all.
Dear Jaiden:
I hope that you get better real soon and I want you to be able to come to school. I really miss you.
I asked Santa for you to get better.
Love, Lauren Nay
Jaidan and Her family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you right now. We are pulling for you Jaidan!
May you know that your community is holding you up through prayer.
May you know how important you are to all who know you and to some of us who don't
Holleigh, Paul and Family~
Your story was posted on a birth board asking for prayers for your sweet family. Every since day one, I have been praying and following this blog. I am so encouraged to hear of the progress and can feel the love of your family and strength of your prayers across many state lines.
I will continue to check and pray and I have been lighting candles for sweet little Jaiden, who sounds like such a fighter!
Sending love and prayers from Wisconsin to your family~
It is amazing and heart warming to see the love and support that is going out to Jaiden and the family right now. People that dont even know Jaiden are thinking of her all day, every day. An interesting story is that She is even part of a prayer circle of over 9,000 people that is as far as Lourdes, France. We are all hoping and wishing and praying that the New Year brings more and more good news in the form of recovery and miracles, and that one day soon, we will all be able to hug and kiss and smile and play with Jaiden again.
We love you dearly,
Jodie and the Gaffney family
"No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves." Amelia Earhart
Family, friends, neighbors, strangers are all united in prayer for Jaiden. She is inspiring kindness and compassion and faith and hope.
Melissa Deschenes
I got up early this morning to check to see if there was an update. I have been thinking about you Jaiden and your family and hope that no news is good news and that your MRI was good news.
A Merrimack friend.
I awoke this morning as I've done every day, thinking of you Jaiden. I hope and pray that everything went well yesterday and that you'll be posting good news very soon!!
Good Morning Jaiden!
Our first thoughts every morning are of you as we rush down to check our e-mail and your blog for more updates. None yet on your MRI results but thats OK. We know that no matter what the results were you will continue to defy the odds and show us more little miracles each day. God is with you as you heal and so are the rest of us. Try to give Mom and Dad a smile today ... they would really love that!
Paul and Holleigh,
Hang in there. You are two very strong people and with God's help and your love Jaiden WILL overcome any obstacles this tragedy has placed before her. As always you all are in our constant thoughts and prayers.
All is possible with God.
Kathy and Mike
Paul and Holleigh, not an hour goes by that we don't think of you and your family. We continue to keep you in our prayers. As you can see from the responses here, your daughter has touched many, many lives. God be with you.
Sandie, Tim and Kate
Paul and Holleigh,
Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you!
God makes everything possible! Trust in Him!
Ken and Joan Rainis
Holleigh, and Paul
Just thinking of you today and letting you know our thoughts and prayers are with you. Give Jadien a big big kiss for us and tell her we love her so very much. Our payers and thoughts always
Theresa,Chris,Maddy Ashlynn and Christain
Hi Jaiden,
Last night before I fell asleep I prayed for you. I also drew a picture for you that we are going to give to your aunt to bring to you. Today I am having lunch with KJ. I am going to bring my new camera and take a picture of us to send to you.
OK, closed your eyes and pretend - here is what we will talk about at recess today if we were at school.
I got a Reindeer webkins for Christmas. I wonder if you got any new webkins too. I got new Christmas jammies that are really comfy. I have been sleeping in them since Christmas eve. I want to sleep in them tonight too but I do not think my Mom will let me. I know you have been in bed at the hospital too, I hope your jammies are comfy also.
We can talk more tomorrow.
I asked my Mom how your test went but she said we have not heard yet. I hope it went really, really well. Even if you did not get 100% on your test we will still be great friends forever.
I know all of your friends are praying for you to get better so you can come home to your sister's bubble wrap.
Love, Jen
Holleigh, Paul and kids: We just wanted to let you know we are all praying for you and send our love.
Frank, Becky, Adam & Michelle Ciardelli
I am wishing that you get well soon so you can come on over and play the basketball game you like so much. I miss you soooo much. We will be going to school next week and it will be sad without you. But I know you will return to school soon. I love you BFF
Love, Maddy
Our family has been praying for yours and especially Jaiden every day. In Christ your joy is our joy and your sorrows our sorrows so we have cried with you and given thanks along side of you as well. We are praying for a miracle and know full well that with Christ ALL things are possible. Thinking if you all today and praying that the you'd hold tight to one another and to God. "My peace I peace I give you. My peace I leave with you. Not as the world gives but as I give."
We just wanted to let you know you are in our prayers each day. I am the daughter of Donna Tannariello at the Sunshine Inn, also Sarah big sister. We have been thinking of you, crying with you and sharing in your joy with you as your family in Christ. Each night my children pray for Jaiden and ask how she's doing.
We know that in Christ all things are possible from first hand experiences. We are believing with your for a miracle of healing to occur, more than believing we are praying.
My the peace of God be with you and his loving arms surround you all.
John 14:27 Says "I leave peace with you; I give my peace to you: not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it fear."
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